Visit by the Canadian Ambassador to Ecuador

Canadian Ambassador to Ecuador Sylvie Bedard came to Un Canto a la Vida Hospital today to visit the CAMTA Team. She was given a tour of the operating room, recovery room, ward and admin area and met several members of the team. She very much enjoyed meeting patients and listening to their touching stories. Sylvie spent some time talking with Nelson and learning of his history with CAMTA. Nineteen year old Nelson had surgery during CAMTA's 2016 mission and is now volunteering as a translator for the team. Sylvie commented on how wonderful it was to see the team again and encouraged us in our work.

Jennifer Cote, with the Ambassador, Marc Moreau, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon, Barb Moreau, Administration, Ambassador Bedard, Shannon Foster, Respiratory Therapist, Neethling van den Heever, Adult Anesthetist, Bev Runka, Pediatric Recovery Room Nurse, Jack Oliver, Adult Orthopedic Surgeon, 


Front row: Michelle Lord, Operating Room Lead Nurse, Hailey Hitchings, Student, Tierra Nueva staff, Pauline Worsfold, Peds/Adult R.R.Nurse, Karen Calhoun, Lay person, Alicia Lakey, Medical Student