Our twelfth trip to Eucador, CAMTA 2013 at the Un Canto a la Vida was another successful and rewarding mission.
Thirty adults received hip arthroplasties. We focus on adults who can return to work and make a difference in the lives of their families. Smith and Nephew, a major international orthopedic corporation, donated all the hip prostheses for the fifth consecutive year.

Our surgical teams performed 28 procedures on 20 children: hip surgeries, tendon surgeries, clubfoot surgeries and other operations. For the first time CAMTA used the Ponsetti casting method on three young children. This technique corrects congenital clubfoot without invasive surgery. All these kids will have more active childhoods and will grow up with healthy joints.

CAMTA medical professionals offered teaching sessions to their Ecuadorean counterparts and donated surgical instruments to some of our host hospitals. We delivered a SIGN nail system to the Hospital in Macas. Patients suffering broken bones in highway or farm accidents can now be treated with SIGN intermedullary nails at this rural hospital, instead of having to travel to a larger center for more complex surgery, or, worse yet, not being treated at all. Our partner Dr. Telmo Tapia is actively looking for another rural hospital where CAMTA can donate a SIGN system and train the medical personnel in its use in 2014. Drs. Paul Moreau and John Lilley also visited Babahoyo, where they gave instructions on an online reporting system, and tips for taking better photographs of X-rays.

Canadian Ambassador to Ecuador Pamela O’Donnell joined the CAMTA team at the hospital to see firsthand what we do. She spent an afternoon touring the OR and the Ward, observing part of a surgery and engaging with the team, patients and their families. Ambassador O’Donnell told the team that the work CAMTA does in Ecuador makes her very proud to be Canadian.
Ninety-two volunteers, from five Canadian provinces, one American state, and New Zealand, traveled to Quito to make the mission a success. Forty student translators from two high schools in Quito and several adult translators made explaining procedures to patients and their families much easier. We had two communications volunteers on-site to blog about the daily activities of the team. Other volunteers who stayed home in Canada gave their time and energy.
We received financial support from more than 1500 individuals and corporations, as well as donations of supplies and materials. Rotary and Lions Clubs continue to support our work. A dozen Ecuadorean corporations donated food, supplies and medications.
Once again, we appreciate and value the team collaboration of the Tierra Nueva nurses, doctors, pharmacists, biomedical personnel and the social workers.
Name | Role | |
Adela Sandigo Gross | RN Ward Adult | |
Alex Cabral | Translator | |
Alex Webb | Student General | |
Alexandra Cevallos | Translator | |
Aline Pourbaix Young | Administration | |
Alyssa Chappell | RN Ward Pediatric | |
Andrea Woo | Physician – Family Practice | |
Andrew Broad | Student General | |
Angela Rogers | ||
Armando Escalona | Respiratory Therapist | |
Barb Moreau | Administration | |
Ben Herman | Resident – Orthopedics | |
Brenda Corie | Physiotherapist | |
Cathy Moreau | Lay Person | |
Cori Dysart | RN Operating Room Adult | |
Deb Chalupa | RN Ward Adult | |
Denis Joly | Student Medical | |
Dianne Cortez | RN Ward Pediatric | |
Donna Brown | RN Operating Room Pediatric | |
Edward Masson | Physician – Orthopedic Surgeon – Adult | |
Eileen Guilfoyle | RN Operating Room Pediatric | |
Erin Rezansoff | RN Recovery Room Adult | |
Francisco Gallardo | Translator | |
Glenn Day | Respiratory Therapist | |
Gloria Ribero | RN Ward Adult | |
Greg Zinter | Information Technologist/Patient Admitting Clerk | |
Hannah Turner | Translator | |
In Memory of Consuelo Alvarez | Translator | |
Jackie McDonald | RN Operating Room Adult | |
James Jarvis | Physician – Orthopedic Surgeon – Pediatric | |
Janet Roberts | Student Medical | |
Janice Kung | Communications Mission Blogger | |
Jenn Kitzan | Lay Person | |
Jennifer Jiang | Student General | |
Jim Raso | Information Technologist/Patient Admitting Clerk | |
John Holmes | Physician – Anesthesiologist – Adult | |
John Lilley | Physician – Anesthesiologist – Pediatric | |
Judith Black | Physiotherapist | |
Judith Chaffee | RN Ward Adult | |
Justine Ferguson | Physiotherapy Assistant | |
Kathy Bonitz | RN Operating Room Adult | |
Keisha St. Arnaud | RN Operating Room Adult | |
Khaled Almansoori | Physician – Orthopedic Surgeon – Pediatric | |
Kristen Redhead | Physiotherapist | |
Krystle Chilibecki | Physiotherapist | |
Lisa Bleackley | RN Ward Adult | |
Lori Finley | RN Recovery Room Adult | |
Lucina M. Correa | Translator | |
Lyn Demchuk | RN Operating Room Adult | |
Lynne Korobanik | RN Recovery Room Pediatric | |
Mairi Gordon | RN Recovery Room Adult | |
Marc Moreau | Physician – Orthopedic Surgeon – Pediatric | |
Marina MacLeod | RN Operating Room Adult | |
Marta Mora | Translator | |
Mary Hurlburt | Physician – Family Practice | |
Matthew Moreau | Travel Person/Logistics | |
Megan Cashin | Physician – Orthopedic Surgeon – Pediatric | |
Melaney Storozynski | RN Operating Room Pediatric | |
Natalie Buu | Physician – Anesthesiologist – Pediatric | |
Natasha Lineham | RN Ward Pediatric | |
Paul Moreau | Physician – Orthopedic Surgeon – Adult | |
Paul Leung | Physician – Orthopedic Surgeon – Adult | |
Pauline Worsfold | RN Recovery Room Adult | |
Rachel Oates | Physiotherapist | |
Rejean Cloutier | Physician – Orthopedic Surgeon – Adult | |
Robin Dufresne | RN Ward Adult | |
Sabrina Brown | RN Ward Pediatric | |
Saifee Rashiq | Physician – Anesthesiologist – Adult | |
Saison Demitor | O.R. Technician | |
Sammy Ruiz | Translator/Logistics | |
Sandra Henkel | Communications Mission Blogger | |
Sarah Lefebvre | RN Ward Adult | |
Scott Moorman | Student General | |
Shannon Begg | RN Operating Room Pediatric | |
Shelley McEachern | RN Operating Room Adult | |
Shelly Carson | RN Ward Adult | |
Steven Harkema | Student Nursing | |
Sumit Gupta | Physician – Orthopedic Surgeon – Pediatric | |
Toby Cubitt | Translator | |
Wendy Read | Lay Person |