It’s amazing what just under 100 people can do in a two-week mission! The 2012 mission to Quito, Ecuador was our 11th mission and a celebration of our 10th year working with the wonderful people at the Tierra Nueva Foundation. The mission took place from February 18 to March 6. Over that two-week period, 89 team members brought new hope to many lives by performing surgeries on 39 adults and 24 children including

- 34 single hip surgeries, 4 bilateral hip surgeries plus 1 revision (Flavio)
- 10 club foot repairs
- 5 femoral osteotomies and 5 pelvic osteotomies
- 2 open reductions of hips
- 7 tendon releases for correction of residual foot deformities in children with Cerebral Palsy
- 1 plate removal with hemi-epiphyseolysis and 1 solitary plate removal
CAMTA medical personnel shared clinical consultations during rounds at hospitals in Loja and Babahoyo.
CAMTA donated a video laryngoscope (Glidescope) to Tierra Nueva. This $15, 000 piece of equipment is used to intubate adult or pediatric patients and provide safe anaesthesia. An anesthesiologist on our team taught the Tierra Nueva anesthesiologists how to use the Glidescope. Thanks to Verathon Corporation for making this happen.
CAMTA loaned a SIGN Nail system to the hospital in Babahoyo, Los Rios, Ecuador. There are now three CAMTA supported SIGN Nail systems in place in Ecuador. In addition, CAMTA placed surgical and anesthetic equipment and operating room shelving in the hospital in Quito, and Bair Huggers in the hospital in Cuenca. The hospital in Babahoyo received a SIGN Nail system and the hospital in Loja received nails to replace those which they had used over the past year.
Team members presented physiotherapy, nursing, and orthopedic teaching sessions to medical staff. CAMTA always makes an effort to provide educational opportunities for the Ecuadorians. Additional CAMTA presentations included
- a presentation to the office of the Vice President of Ecuador on early treatment of hip and foot deformities and the SIGN Nail system
- a presentation to grade 9 to 12 students at Academia Cotopaxi High School on the Power of Volunteerism as a component of global citizenship.

As well, CAMTA built on their connections with Life Pharma and members and friends of the Board of the Foundation Tierra Nueva.
Our representatives also met with the President of the Ecuadorean Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
But it wasn’t all work – some team members took in soccer games, while others went sightseeing in the Old Town, hiking, or visiting the nearby hot springs on their one day off. Still others went on a field trip to the equator.
Our 2012 Team Members – Week 1 | * indicates both weeks |
* Marc Moreau | Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon |
Jay Jarvis | Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon |
John McIvor | Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon |
Paul Leung | Adult Orthopedic Surgeon |
Rejean Cloutier | Adult Orthopedic Surgeon |
* Paul Moreau | Adult Orthopedic Surgeon |
Darlene Hammell | General Practitioner |
Mary Hurlburt | General Practitioner |
Matt Souster | Orthopedic Resident |
* John Lilley | Pediatric Anesthetist |
Florian Rudolph | Pediatric Anesthetist |
Sam Stetskp | Adult Anethetist |
Amanda Roze des Ordons | Adult Anethetist |
Andy Escalona | Respiratory Therapist |
Peter MacPherson | Medical Student |
*Eileen Guilfoyle | Pediatric OR Nurse |
Darlene Knapp | Pediatric OR Nurse |
Loretta Tessier | Pediatric OR Nurse |
Ruhil Campbell | Adult OR Nurse |
Kiron Jhass | Adult OR Nurse |
Marina MacLeod | Adult OR Nurse |
Jackie McDonald | Adult OR Nurse |
Lynne Korobanik | Pediatric RR Nurse |
Mairi Gordon | Peds/Adult RR Nurse |
Sue Wright | Adult RR Nurse |
Joanne Brown | Pediatric Ward Nurse |
Sabrina Brown | Pediatric Ward Nurse |
* Melissa Martin | Adult Ward Nurse |
* Deb Chalupa | Adult Ward Nurse |
Judy Chaffee | Adult Ward Nurse |
Maureen Carpenter | Adult Ward Nurse |
Danielle Becker | Student Nurse |
Rachel Oates | Physiotherapist |
Kate Pronovost | Physiotherapist |
Justine Ferguson | Physiotherapist |
*Barb Moreau | Administration |
*Aline Young | Administration |
*Matthew Moreau | Logistics |
*Dan Ducholke | I.T. |
Consuela Alvarez | Translator |
Olivia Weber | Translator |
Elma Mehmedbegovic | Translator |
Lucina Correa | Translator |
Maryna Muzychenko | Translator |
Wincy Ho | Layperson |
Janet Emmett | Layperson |
*Cathy Moreau | Layperson |
Jennifer Kitzan | Layperson |
Jonathan Leung | Student |
Craig Courchesne | Student |
Elaine Edmondson | Communications – Blog |
Our 2012 Team Members – Week 2 | |
Tim Carey | Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon |
Luis Piedrahita | Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon |
Lance Bredo | Adult Orthopedic Surgeon |
Gayle Hiebert | General Practitioner |
Denis Vincent | General Practitioner |
Alex Rezanoff | Orthopedic Resident |
Dave Cubitt | Pediatric Anesthetist |
Natalie Buu | Pediatric Anesthetist |
Saifee Rashiq | Adult Anesthetist |
Glenn Day | Respiratory Therapist |
Shawna Pandya | Medical Student |
Donna Brown | Pediatric OR Nurse |
Shannon Begg | Pediatric OR Nurse |
Karen Aguana | Adult OR Nurse |
Cori Kalven | Adult OR Nurse |
Trina LeBlanc | Adult OR Nurse |
Dorthy Sy | Adult OR Nurse |
Bev Runka | Pediatric RR Nurse |
Pauline Worsfold | Peds/Adults RR Nurse |
Erin Rezansoff | Adult RR Nurse |
Tracey Bernardin | Pediatric Ward Nurse |
Sarah Southon | Pediatric Ward Nurse |
Adela Sandigo | Adult Ward Nurse |
Lisa Bleakley | Adult Ward Nurse |
Adam Petriw | Student Nurse |
Brenda Corie | Physiotherapist |
Judy Black | Physiotherapist |
Stacy Rivalin | Physiotherapist |
Maddy MacKechnie | Translator |
Sammy Ruiz | Translator |
Miriam van Diest | Translator |
Steve van Diest | Translator |
Toby Cubitt | Translator |
Amanda Pelletier | Layperson |
Brent Dysart | Layperson |
Wendy Read | Layperson |
Victoria Micek | Student |
Claudine Domingue | Communications – Blog |