By 14 months, she will have been in braces or casts for 10 months

Mother Alba, Dr. Alex Gessner, Family Physician and baby Martina ready for surgery

A local doctor told Alba that her daughter Martina Paulette, 4 months, old had bilateral congenital subluxation of the hips.  Another of Alba's daughters had been born with the same condition.A brace worked well to help correct the sister's dislocated hips but not Martina.

Alba is a teacher but could not afford the expensive surgery that she needed.  Alba and Martina took a four hour bus ride to attend a CAMTA clinic.  Martina had her surgery this week and will be in a spica cast for about 3 months.  Alba is thrilled that her daughter will be able to follow her dreams as did her 18 year old sister.

Martina post-op with her cast