The Cookie Legacy

For 18 years, Terry Humphry – mother of CAMTA co-founder Barb Moreau – lovingly baked and packed dozens of cookies to pack for the CAMTA team's trip. The cookies would appear whenever someone needed a sugar rush (ie. when hauling hockey bags at 4:45am on a icy cold Edmonton morning!) or a “hug from home” during the mission in Quito. Sadly, Terry passed away two years ago, but family and friends are now continuing the tradition in her memory. Barb's daughter, Colette and three of her kids got together to bake an incredible selection of cookies for our Week 1 team (which are already rapidly disappearing). Peggy Prodor (Week 1 Layperson) and Barb Furler's (Week 2 Physio) mother and sister whipped up an additional selection for the Week 1 team and will be sending more for Week 2. The work CAMTA does is a labour of love through and through, and involves far more people than just the team that comes to Ecuador. This year's cookies are an extra special reminder of just how many friends, family and supporters back home make this special trip the success that it is.