Meet Miguel


The first patient of the day was 66 year old Miguel he expressed his extreme gratitude to be receiving surgery before he was welcomed by the entire team. All adult patients that CAMTA operates on are here for total hip replacement surgery, with very few exceptions. Most patients only require one hip to be replaced, however, there is the occasional patient that requires both. Miguel had a left total hip replacement today.

Miguel meets recovery room nurses Meghan Copper and Mairi Gordon before heading into surgery with translator Vanessa Ojeda and Dr. Ed Masson.

When adults get out of surgery, they head up to the ward and are taken care of by our adult ward nurses (and other team members). Our extremely dedicated physiotherapists wait for the patient's anesthesia to wear off before quickly moving into the rehabilitation process. The physio team will begin treating the patient when sensation and movement has returned to their legs (more about this tomorrow!!). Typically these patients stay in hospital for 1-2 days following surgery (3-5 for bilateral hip replacements) before they are discharged home with exercises to promote effective healing. 

In Canada, single total hip replacement patients typically stay in hospital for about 3 days and up to a week for bilateral hips. Stays in hospitals following these types of surgeries have shortened significantly over the years for a variety of reasons including- the optimization of rehab programs by physiotherapists and global influences.