Patricia's Story

Patricia first came to see the CAMTA surgeons during last year's mission, hoping for surgery to address the hip pain that has limited her ability to walk for the past twelve years. Patricia is a unique patient, however, and our surgical team did not have the right equipment to operate during last year's mission.
Patricia has Laron Syndrome, a genetic condition that results in Growth Hormone receptor defects. As a result, patients with this syndrome have very small stature. Interestingly, only 350 people worldwide have Laron Syndrome, and they are all descendants of a common ancestor. A third of them live in isolated communities in Ecuador, while others live in Spain.
This year, the CAMTA Adult Orthopedic Team came prepared with equipment small enough to successfully provide Patricia with the operation she needs. Patricia is extremely happy and grateful, and ensured she had shaken every hand in the OR before her surgery began.
Patricia lives in Quito, but it took her over 2 hours of bus rides and walking to arrive at the hospital for her operation. She doesn't work, and finds getting around on buses and other daily tasks very difficult due to her small stature. She is aware that her condition is extremely rare and has never actually met anyone else with Laron syndrome, but is excited that the surgeons can learn from her operation. Our adult orthopedic team plans to write up a report on the surgery they did – the first of it's kind – and Patricia loves the idea that other surgeons will be able to learn from this about providing care for people with Laron Syndrome.
Patricia recovering on the ward with Dr. Wesner, Brenda Wright (Adult Ward Nurse) and Marita Echaiz-Eguren (Translator)
First steps with Gabriella (translator), Brenda and Kristen Redhead (Physiotherapist)