Behind the Scenes

Once the OR is set up, there is still much to do to keep the surgeries running smoothly. One of the big jobs our Lay Team does is scrubbing instruments. It's hot, sweaty work standing for hours in a steamy room – but our Lay Team took this on with smiles on their faces and a wonderful sense of humor. Aren't they cute? 

Peggy Prodor, Bonnie Cluney, Rachael Cheechoo and Alastair Hodgson (Laypeople)

Everything happening behind the scenes has one common goal: safe and high quality surgical care for every patient. Here's a sneak peak of the OR in action


Dr. Ashlee Dobbe, Dr. Kyle Stampe (Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeons), Dr. Michael Goplen (Orthopedic Resident) and Helene Locas (Pediatric OR Nurse) at work in the Pediatric OR. 

Rayanne Hillier (OR Nurse/OR Lead), Dr. Charlie Secretan (Adult Orthopedic Surgeon), Dr. Paulose Paul (Adult Orthopedic Surgeon) and Dr. Ivan Kamikovski (Orthopedic Resident) work in the adult OR.  

Cheryl Holt (Adult OR Nurse) prepares surgical equipment and helps Caitlin Marchuk (Medical student) scrub in for surgery.