Packing Day

As the Ward continues to look after patients post-surgery, CAMTA members take inventory of all remaining supplies and equipment that will be important to take note of for next year's mission.

Pediatric Anesthesiologist Dr. Natalie Buu keeps track of supplies and records what needs to be re-ordered for the following year.

There are a lot of helping hands recording the number of items stored in each bag that will be returning to Canada with the team.

There is still a lot of work that needs to be done!

A lot of packing is also required and all hands are on deck! Packing started yesterday afternoon as soon as the last procedure was finished. Medical instruments were carefully catalogued and packed in large bins and hockey bags.

Amongst the organized chaos of packing, Adult Operating Room Nurse Kathy Bonitz, Pediatric Operating Room Nurse Donna Brown, and Volunteer Alyssa Chappell had a moment to pose with supplies that are ready to be packed.

The team is doing a fantastic job at packing and should be done later today!