Alex has his sights set on becoming a soccer star
Alex smiles for the camera next to his proud mama, Clara and Translators Alexandra Cabral and Sammy Ruiz.
Alex was born on the coast and is from Quinindé. Despite the fact that he has lots of cramping under his feet, he likes to play soccer with his friends and dreams of becoming a soccer star when he grows up. In his spare time, Alex makes and sells kites. This talented young boy was nervous when he came into pre-op yesterday but he is looking forward to getting back on the soccer field and playing with his many friends.
In the Operating Room, Orthopedic Resident Dr. Khaled Almansoori points to the section of where the tendons need to be released. The procedure will greatly improve Alex's mobility, which will serve him well on the soccer field.
Here is a closer look on the procedure. The surgery is a great success! Alex is then wheeled into the Ward to rest and prepare for some physio exercises.
Alex attempts to walk with crutches for the first time with the help of two expert physiotherapists: Brenda Corie and Judy Black. Translator Alexandra Cabral offers guidance in front of Alex by relaying information from Brenda and Judy.
Looking great, Alex! Muy bien!
Alex feels fantastic and even poses for a photo next to Translators Sammy Ruiz and Toby Cubitt.
On the day right after his surgery, Alex is ready to be discharged. Before he can go home, General Practitioner Dr. Andrea Woo and Pediatric Ward Nurse Dianne Cortez review his patient file and offer guidance on the days and weeks following the surgical procedure. Translator Sammy Ruiz provides instructions to his mother on post-surgery care. Alex is well on his way home with his mother Clara and he can't wait for the opportunity to play soccer again!