Johana Hidalgo, Part Two
You might remember Johana Hidalgo from a previous post (Feb. 29). Johana came to CAMTA with rheumatoid arthritis which had severely affected her left hip.
She made it through surgery with flying colours and took her first steps yesterday with help from physiotherapist Judy Black.
The arthritis has affected so much of Johana's body, using crutches is harder for her than most people. Her triceps are weak and she doesn't have full use of her hands so she can't grip very well. Regardless, she never lost her smile and positive attitude, and won the hearts of the entire team.
Halfway back to her room, Johana rested and posed for a picture with 17-year old wardmate Elvis Imbaquingo who had received an operation on his left Achilles tendon.
Earlier today, Johana recevied a cortizon shot to her knee from GP Dr. Denis Vincent to help with her arthritis pain.
The folks from Radio Canada joined her today on her return home. We'll let you know where and when their report airs so we can follow her progress.