Johana Hidalgo, Part One

Johana Hidalgo came to CAMTA with severe rheumatoid arthritis which has virtually atrophied her left hip. At 21 she hopes one day to go to university, get a job and have a family. But, her pain is so great that she is unable to leave home where she lives with her parents and two brothers. She has her whole life ahead of her, and a hip replacement will make a real difference in her future.
Radio Canada’s Sylvain Bascaron and Brent Roy (with translator Steve van Diest’s help) spoke with Johana after her consultation with the orthopaedic surgeons on Clinic Day. They plan on featuring her in a television piece.

Sylvain and Brent visited Johana in her home about 30 minutes from Quito yesterday. This morning they spent a few minutes with her in her hospital room as she waited for her surgery. This time Toby Cubitt (left) translated.
Although Johana confessed to a certain amount of nervousness, she has no fear that the operation will make her better. A fist pump with Toby seals the deal.
We’ll keep you posted on Johana's progress!