CAMTA Clinic — A big day with over 50 patients examined!
We arrived at 0830h at the clinic with an hour until the remainder of the staff arrived including the surgeons who were of course raring to go.While the clinic was set-up, Dan Ducholke organized other CAMTA members with unpacking and preparing the supplies for our surgery tomorrow.
The patients wait very very patiently for their turn to see the surgeon.Above, Eileen poised with Mercedes, Angelina and Maria.
Clara is eleven and she has a hip problem. Her mother poises with Dr. Darlene Hammell and a translator from the Cotapaxi school.Here's Drs. Luis Piedrahita and Jay Jarvis reviewing Clara's films.
Here's the x-ray of another child with clubfeet who will receive surgery on Monday.
Sometimes we can't offer surgery! In this case, Nanci has an arthritic knee. Dr. Charlie Secretan shows, Robyn Goplyn RN how a knee is injected with steroids. Translator Nicole Beaudoin supports the patient and her son looks on. We hope she has some relief! Meanwhile below here's little Cindi with her mom and with Joanne Brown RN on the left and Elma Mehmedmegovic, translator on the right.
The adult patients, whether they had surgery last year or it is planned for this year, complete questionnaires about their ability to ambulate and perform “Activities of Daily Living”
Tomorrow the surgery begins!Thanks, All.John