Surgeons are continually learning and improving

Dr. Juan Carlos Zabala (Local Orthopaedic Surgeon) listens to Dr. Ed Masson's (Adult Orthopaedic Surgeon) pre-operative plan
Local orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Juan Carlos Zabala has joined up with CAMTA for the 2018 Mission. He is taking the opportunity to scrub in with our Adult Orthopaedic Surgeons to pick up as many tips and tricks as he can. Dr. Zabala completed medical training in Cuba, and says he has heard great things about North American orthopods in respect to their technical ability and scientific knowledge. Dr. Zabala has an incredible attitude, and believes that his training is never finished, and will continue learning for the rest of his life. He has a passion for joint reconstruction, and today he was able to scrub in for three total hip replacements, and will see dozens more before the completion of this year's mission. 
Dr. Paulose Paul (Adult Orthopaedic Surgeron) and Dr. Juan Carlos Zabala chat about various surgical approaches to the hip