Tierra Nueva Foundation anticipates our arrival

From the Tierra Nueva Foundation newsletter:

Padre Carollo Hospital will perform club foot surgeries

At Padre Carollo Hospital “Un Canto a la Vida” , Canadian and Ecuadorian surgeons will operate on patients who have club foot.

This international medical brigade, organized by Tierra Nueva Foundation and the medical organization CAMTA, Canadian Association of Medical Teams Abroad, is open to sign up and surgeries will be performed from February 18 to March 4. Besides the club foot surgeries, the surgeons will operate on patients who have hip dislocation or require hip prosthesis.

CAMTA and Fundacion Tierra Nueva have been doing this brigade in the country for 15 years. This year there will be 91 volunteers coming, among them orthopedic surgeons, anesthesiologists, physiotherapists and translators, to work with the medical team of Padre Carollo Hospital to perform the surgeries.

People interested can sign up at the Social Worker Office of the Fundación Tierra Nueva.
Address Av, Rumichaca S33-10 y Matilde Alvarez
Telephone 2636660 – 2634026 ext 1109
Email: trabajosocial@fundaciontierranueva.org.ec