Week One – Tuesday's blog
Monica is welcomed into the O.R. by O.R. nurse Rae, recovery room nurse Rachael, and translator Francisco.
Monica first came to a CAMTA clinic in 2013 to fix both her severely club feet which she hid in rubber boots at the time. The pediatric surgeons corrected both club feet and Monica went home with a pair of flip-flops and some nail polish from the CAMTA team. The surgery on Monica's left foot was very successful but due to an infection that developed in her right foot, Monica is back for some follow-up surgery this year.
Many of Quito's local hospitals do not have the funds available to replace the equipment that wears down over time. People here have to be creative with their repairs!
O.R. staff take a quick breather during a long total hip replacement surgery.
Some of the CAMTA ward staff including nurses, translators, a G.P., and blogger gather for a group picture as they discharge the first 2015 CAMTA adult patient. Sixty-two year old Manuel is up and walking and getting up and down stairs all by himself with minimal pain just 24 hours after his total hip replacement.