Carpinteria Muy Especial – Our Bone Doctors!

Good Morning Charlie!!

Not an easy task at the best of time with the best of tools, our surgeons often say the procedures CAMTA does here in Ecuador are among the most unique and complicated cases they have seen in their careers. With lots of collaboration, plannng and a little bit of fun thrown in for good measure, these “wingless angels in blue” are the first stop to a pain-free, meaningful life for our patients.

Putting their heads together to plan out the day!

Not an easy task at the best of time with the best of tools, our surgeons often say the procedures CAMTA does here in Ecuador are among the most unique and complicated cases they have seen in their careers. With lots of collaboration, plannng and a little bit of fun thrown in for good measure, these “wingless angels in blue” are the first stop to a pain-free, meaningful life for our patients.


After – looks pretty straight to us!